Attorney advises against speculation in death cases

For months, the disappearance of Lucas Hernandez has been on the minds of many in this community, including criminal defense attorney Dan Monnat. “Speculation in these cases is always to be avoided. Science and medicine will tell us the manner in which Lucas Hernandez died, whether that’s by criminal means or by natural causes or accident….”

Man arrested in Wichita swatting case waives extradition

LOS ANGELES – A Los Angeles man wanted in Kansas has waived extradition proceedings in California and will face a felony allegation that he made a hoax emergency call that led to the fatal police shooting of a Wichita resident. Dan Monnat tells KAKE TV the man could face serious charges like “second degree murder, which is a human being killed unintentionally but recklessly, under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life….”

Ticketed drivers question whether they have to pay

WICHITA – Drivers that were issued tickets during a now-suspended Wichita Police camera-based traffic enforcement pilot program, must pay their fines. Some people are wondering if the system is legal, so KAKE asked attorney Dan Monnat to weigh in. “We may not like living in a high-tech world of “big brother-like” recordation of our every public action, but that doesn’t mean it’s unconstitutional,” Monnat said….

Charges yet to be filed in Evan Brewer case

More than a week since the remains of a 3-year-old boy were found inside a concrete structure, many questions surround the case. Dan Monnat tells KWCH TV, “Likely there’s an autopsy involved here to determine whether or not the child died of natural causes or criminal means,” and those results could point investigators in a different direction…

Lawyer explains difference between arrest and charges

WICHITA, Kan. – A criminal case against a Wichita Police Officer accused of rape has been closed. While Officer Marlon Woolcock was arrested , he was never charged with the crime. The case has been dismissed because forensic evidence could not substantiate the case. Says KAKE Legal Expert Dan Monnat: “It is the duty of the District Attorney, and the media who broadcast that officer’s arrest, to make it clear to the public this individual is innocent, he has been exonerated, he did not commit a crime…

Wichita mom to fight Kansas law after son is left to die in pool

WICHITA – A Wichita mom is fighting to change Kansas law after her teenage son was left to die in a pool. KSN Legal Expert Dan Monnat says, “Generally in the U.S., the law regulates actions and codes of morality regulate the less clear area of omissions to act. Generally in Kansas, there is no legal duty to rescue or render aid to someone in peril…”

Wichita man sentenced for turning stolen mail into fake identities

A Wichita man was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison for turning stolen mail into 14 false identities. Attorney Dan Monnat says, “Checks can always be stolen, washed and re-used by thieves to empty your bank account…Although there’s no way to completely stop mail theft from happening, there are some things you can do…

Wichita police: 78 guns stolen from cars this year; 193 in 2016

The Wichita Police Department says 193 firearms were stolen from vehicles last year and 78 guns have been taken in car break-ins this year. Legal Analyst Dan Monnat says a gun owner “cannot be criminally prosecuted or successfully civilly sued for crimes committed by a thief who stole the owner’s gun….”

Attorney answers questions about the crime of promoting prostitution

Dr. Travis Hubin was arrested on a felony charge of promoting prostitution or promoting the sale of sexual relations. Trevor Riddle tells KAKE TV the doctor is not accused of purchasing or producing pornography. Instead, he is accused of paying two otherwise consenting adults for engaging in an act of sex. In essence, Riddle says, it is not illegal to view pornography….

Concealed carry on school grounds explained

WICHITA – Recent changes in Kansas gun laws even had the Augusta Police Chief confused about whether it was illegal for one gun owner to have his weapon at the high school football stadium during graduation. School attorneys say this is a grey area in the law that needs to be cleared up. “Usually we don’t…