FF12: Does legal loophole allow sex offenders to work near kids?

HILLSBORO, Kan. — Parents are upset after learning a convicted sex offender worked in the same building as a daycare. The daycare is inside The Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren Church but the two entities are separate. Legal Analyst Dan Monnat says the legality of the sex offender’s presence near the daycare depends on how often he helped fix items at the daycare. If the visits were regular that would violate Kansas law, but if they were sporadic then they may not violate the law…

Petition for homeless shelter in El Dorado withdrawn

EL DORADO, Kan. – A transitional home for the homeless will not be built in El Dorado, after nearby property owners protested. KSN Legal Analyst Dan Monnat says, “Homeowners have rights with respect to their neighbors under existing zoning laws… but such laws can’t be used as instruments of discrimination…”

Tracking college student behavior

WICHITA – There’s a new push by Kansas college students to flag students kicked out of school for things like sexual assault. Defense Attorney Dan Monnat applauds the efforts, but says the better way to flag criminals is for universities to be pro-active in seeking criminal charges against suspects…

Dallas Cowboys’ Randle arrested in Wichita

WICHITA, Kan. — Dallas Cowboys running back and Wichita native Joseph Randle was arrested in Wichita earlier this week, police said. Attorney Dan Monnat tells KAKE TV that because Randle is an NFL star it’s easy for the public to make assumptions about the allegations, but it’s important that, “…when an NFL player is involved, that we or the public, not leap to any conclusion not justified…”

Cell phone technology assists law enforcement in tracking suspects

WICHITA – KSN is asking questions about the quick investigation that led police to an alleged murder suspect after receiving reports that cell phone technology helped Wichita Police. Legal Analyst Dan Monnat tells KSN News, “Fourth amendment reasonableness is always a balancing act between the citizen’s right to privacy and the community or law enforcement’s need for the information….”

Judge nixes bid for disclosure of mass surveillance in plot

Terry Loewen’s intent to pursue an entrapment defense received a setback when a federal judge refused to order the government to disclose whether mass surveillance led to Loewen’s arrest. “The fine line between ‘entrapment’ and the commission of a crime is, ‘whose idea was it?’” asks KSN Legal Analyst Dan Monnat. “Was the idea created by the government…”

DNA was key in deadly Fairmount Park attack arrest

WICHITA — After a sexual assault victim was found in Fairmount Park, evidence entered into the Sedgwick County Forensic Science Center showed a preliminary DNA match for the suspect. Dan Monnat tells KSN News: “If another crime comes up that they’re investigating, and you have not expunged your DNA, the DNA is on file to be used…”

Kansan Hispanic community reacts to Kansas joining lawsuit to halt a “stay” on deportations

WICHITA – Kansas has joined a legal challenge to President Obama’s stance on immigration… but KSN Legal Expert Dan Monnat says, “This isn’t really Kansas or any state suing the President. It’s the states suing a number of government agencies like border patrol and homeland security, asking the courts to declare the President’s recent order on immigration, unconstitutional….”

Suspect charged in Fairmount Park attack

WICHITA — Cornell Antoine McNeal was charged with attempted capital murder, rape and two counts of arson, and an alternative charge of attempted first-degree, premeditated murder. DNA samples are collected on some inmates, and Dan Monnat tells KSN News the only other way to get a DNA sample is with a search warrant….