Grand Jury Doesn’t Charge Tiller

Dan Monnat, a lawyer on Tiller’s legal team, said the repeated attempts against Tiller ultimately cost the public.

“It’s unfortunate for the taxpayers of the state of Kansas who again and again have to endure the expense of these investigations over someone else’s political agenda,” he said.

Kansas’ Grand Jury Law Comes Under Fire

Dan Monnat, a Wichita lawyer representing Tiller, said the Wichita grand jury went too far in January when it subpoenaed five years’ worth of clinic records for 2,000 women who had sought abortions after their 21st week of pregnancy.

Supreme Court Sets Subpoena Hearing Date

“We are very pleased that the highest court of the state views the privacy rights of women patients so protectively as to undertake a careful examination of the important issues involved,” said Dan Monnat, one of the attorneys representing the clinic.

Six Asks Court To Quash Tiller-Related Subpoenas

Dan Monnat, a Wichita attorney, said Six’s request to the Supreme Court is encouraging.

“Dr. Tiller’s foremost concern is always protection of his patients,” Monnat said in a statement. “Dr. Tiller is pleased to hear the voice of the top law enforcement officer in the state join in his call for protection of patient privacy.”

High Court Postpones Subpoena On Tiller

“Dr. Tiller is very pleased that 2,000 distraught women and girls will sleep much better tonight knowing that the Chief Justice of the Kansas Supreme Court has halted the grand jury’s unsupervised prying into their medical files,” said Dan Monnat, a lawyer representing Tiller.

Tiller’s Lawyers Appeal; No Records Turned Over

A noon deadline passed Thursday, and a grand jury received nothing from abortion provider George Tiller. Instead, his lawyers rushed to appeal to the Kansas Supreme Court an order to surrender the medical records of 2,000 women.

And they sought and received another hearing this morning to seek further privacy protections in Sedgwick County District Court.

Groups Mark Roe v. Wade At Tiller Clinic

Tuesday, Wichita lawyer Dan Monnat, who has represented Tiller in grand jury investigations into his practice at Women’s Health Care Services, said Roe v. Wade “might just be pages in a dusty law book” if not for people such as Tiller.

Doctors such as Tiller, Monnat said, use the “power of Roe v. Wade to help women with excruciating decisions.”

Abortion Battlefield Changing

Dan Monnat, a Wichita lawyer who represents Tiller, said that local and state prosecutors have found little wrong with the doctor’s practices, as has the state Board of Healing Arts.

“Unfortunately, there are a small number of extremely loud people who have organized a no-holds-barred campaign designed to take these rights away from women,” Monnat said.

Abortion Foes Testify Before Grand Jury

Tiller’s defense attorneys, Lee Thompson and Dan Monnat, issued a statement Friday denouncing the grand jury investigation as a “grandstand for anti-choice zealots” when told by the AP of the testimony and binders.