Morrison’s lover must testify in Tiller case

Paul Morrison’s former lover has to appear in a Wichita courtroom next month during a hearing for Wichita abortion provider George Tiller, an Arkansas judge ruled Monday. Newton County (Ark.) Circuit Judge John Putman determined that Linda Carter was a material witness in Tiller’s case, set to resume the week of Jan. 6 in Sedgwick…

Guilty Or Not, You Can Be Fired

Dan Monnat, a defense lawyer with the Wichita firm of Monnat & Spurrier, said it seems unfair for Morgan to be fired while he is presumed innocent in a criminal court. The loss of his job makes it more difficult for him to defend himself, Monnat said.

‘Bodyless’ Murders Challenge Courts

Wichita lawyer Dan Monnat, who will be a defense attorney in the upcoming Stanton County case, agreed that courts should be extremely cautious when dealing with bodyless cases. “Such cases are classical circumstantial-evidence cases — and with all circumstantial cases, there is a great risk that an innocent person will be convicted,” he said.

Wichitan Sues Police Over Rape Arrest

A Wichita man arrested last May in connection with two rapes, then released when a DNA test proved his innocence, is suing the Police Department for an apology. “This is not a case where we’re seeking a large amount of money,” said Dan Monnat, one of Fontes’ lawyers. “He just wants an apology.”

Detective: Valadez Was A Suspect

Valadez got out of jail about 5:30 p.m. Dec. 2, 2004. He met his family at the office of Dan Monnat, the lawyer his three children hired, in time to hear his name linked to BTK on KSN’s 6 p.m. news….More than two months later, Dennis Rader was arrested. He pleaded guilty to 10 murders as BTK and is serving a life prison sentence…

Reason Sought In Home Search

In a sometimes tense and impassioned hearing before District Judge Greg Waller, Valadez’s lawyer, Dan Monnat, contended that it is his client’s right to know why police — acting on a tip in the serial-murder case — suspected him and searched his home.

Judge backs lawyers’ withholding names

A federal judge in Wichita has sided with lawyers who claim it is unethical to comply with an Internal Revenue Service regulation that requires them to identify clients who pay fees in large sums of cash. Chief U.S. District Judge Patrick Kelly has issued an order suspending IRS attempts to force Daniel Monnat, a Wichita…

Judge removed in Vickridge beating case

David Dreier may avoid a prison sentence for the beating of Chris Brannan, who suffered a permanent brain injury. In a rare courthouse move, the ranking Sedgwick County District Court Judge has removed another judge from a pending criminal case because of accusations of bias. Judge Rebecca Pilshaw, the judge removed from the case, was…

Man acquitted of first-degree murder

Marcus Shanklin, 20, was charged with killing LaDon Boyd. Marcus Shanklin – facing life behind bars for a first-degree murder charge – on Thursday heard the news that gave him a start at a new life with his “Big Brother.” After nearly 16 hours of deliberations over three days, a Sedgwick County jury acquitted Shanklin,…

Federal judge acquits Guidry on most charges

Judge Monti Belot did, however, deny acquittal on her convictions on filing false statements on tax returns. A federal judge on Wednesday granted acquittal for Anita Guidry on 10 charges a jury deadlocked on earlier this week. In the ruling, Judge Monti Belot refused to acquit her on the three charges of filing false statements…